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Pottery Barn Elephant Chair Interior Decorating

Pottery Barn Elephant Chair BARN
Pottery Barn Elephant Chair BARN from barnwalls.blogspot.com


The Pottery Barn Elephant Chair is a unique and stylish piece of furniture that can add a touch of whimsy to any room. Whether you're decorating a bedroom, living room, or playroom, this chair can be a great focal point for your space. In this article, we will explore various design approaches and color schemes that can enhance the aesthetics and comfort of a space with the Pottery Barn Elephant Chair.
Pottery Barn Elephant Chair

Design Approach

When it comes to designing a room with the Pottery Barn Elephant Chair, there are many different design approaches you can take. One option is to go for a playful and whimsical look, using bright colors and fun patterns to create a sense of childlike wonder. Alternatively, you can take a more sophisticated approach, using neutral colors and elegant furnishings to create a more grown-up and refined aesthetic.

Playful and Whimsical

If you're looking for a playful and whimsical design approach, consider using bright colors and fun patterns to create a sense of childlike wonder in your space. You can use the Pottery Barn Elephant Chair as a focal point, pairing it with other playful pieces like a colorful rug or a whimsical lamp. Consider using bright colors like pink, yellow, and turquoise, and incorporating playful patterns like polka dots or stripes.
Playful and Whimsical design

Sophisticated and Refined

For a more sophisticated and refined design approach, consider using neutral colors and elegant furnishings to create a more grown-up aesthetic. You can use the Pottery Barn Elephant Chair as a statement piece, pairing it with other elegant furnishings like a plush rug or a luxurious throw blanket. Consider using neutral colors like beige, gray, or ivory, and incorporating elegant details like tufted upholstery or metallic accents.
Sophisticated and Refined design

Color Schemes

When it comes to color schemes for a room with the Pottery Barn Elephant Chair, there are many different options you can consider. The key is to choose colors that complement the chair and enhance the overall aesthetic of the space.

Bright and Bold

If you're going for a playful and whimsical design approach, consider using bright and bold colors to create a lively and energetic space. You can use colors like pink, yellow, and turquoise to create a sense of fun and playfulness, and incorporate playful patterns like polka dots or stripes to enhance the overall look.
Bright and Bold color schemes

Neutral and Elegant

If you're going for a more sophisticated and refined design approach, consider using neutral colors to create a calm and serene space. You can use colors like beige, gray, or ivory to create a sense of elegance and sophistication, and incorporate elegant details like metallic accents or tufted upholstery to enhance the overall look.
Neutral and Elegant color schemes

Furniture Placement

When it comes to furniture placement in a room with the Pottery Barn Elephant Chair, there are many different options you can consider. The key is to arrange the furniture in a way that complements the chair and enhances the overall aesthetic of the space.

Focal Point

One option is to use the Pottery Barn Elephant Chair as a focal point, arranging the other furniture in the room around it. You can place the chair in the center of the room, and arrange a sofa or loveseat on either side to create a cozy seating area. Consider using a coffee table or ottoman in front of the sofa to create a functional and stylish space.
Focal Point furniture placement
Alternatively, you can use the Pottery Barn Elephant Chair as an accent piece, placing it in a corner of the room or in a reading nook. Consider pairing the chair with a bookshelf or side table to create a cozy and functional space, and use a floor lamp or table lamp to provide additional lighting.
Accent Piece furniture placement

Other Decorative Options

In addition to furniture placement and color schemes, there are many other decorative options you can consider when designing a room with the Pottery Barn Elephant Chair. The key is to choose accessories and accents that complement the chair and enhance the overall aesthetic of the space.

Throw Pillows

One option is to use throw pillows to add color and texture to the space. Consider using pillows in bright colors or playful patterns to enhance the whimsical look of the room, or use pillows in neutral colors and elegant fabrics to enhance the sophisticated look of the space.
Throw pillows

Wall Art

Another option is to use wall art to add visual interest to the space. Consider using art in bright colors or playful patterns to enhance the whimsical look of the room, or use art in neutral colors and elegant frames to enhance the sophisticated look of the space.
Wall Art


The Pottery Barn Elephant Chair is a unique and stylish piece of furniture that can add a touch of whimsy or sophistication to any room. Whether you're going for a playful and whimsical look or a more sophisticated and refined aesthetic, there are many different design approaches, color schemes, and decorative options you can consider to enhance the aesthetics and comfort of your space. With a little creativity and imagination, you can transform any room into a stylish and inviting space that you'll love spending time in.
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